How to Act like a Grammar Pro

The other day, we made a typo on a post. What happened, you ask? 

We fixed it and moved on. Typos happen--even to professional writers with grammar checkers and editors. We missed it because we're human.

So why are we admitting this? Because we know that lots of people get hung up on posting online because they're afraid their language isn't perfect.

Take it from us, a team of professional writers — it's OK not to be perfect with your language. You don't need to be error-free every single time because, as we've said before, no one is inspecting your posts nearly as much as you are. The issue is when you are consistently producing content with typos and poor grammar.

However, if you're aiming for perfection, we recommend a grammar checker, either as a plug-in or an app. 

Here are a few options recommended by our team and Google:




Google Docs



The only caveat here is that sometimes even these wonderful tools won't find all your typos, so you should still give everything a final glance. Hopefully, these tools and the knowledge that even professional writers have typos will ease your stress a little.

Want us to double check your work? Schedule a call.


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