What is thought leadership content?

ICYMI, we started 2024 with a three-part series tackling how to stand out as an expert through thought leadership content.

5 Tips to Create Thought Leadership Content:

1. You have to be ready to get real and authentic. Don’t just share generic content.

2. And you can’t be afraid to have an opinion in your areas of expertise. I know it can be scary putting it all out there, but I promise the more you do it, the easier it gets.

3. Do your research and be sure to have your facts straight (no one is going to take advice from a thought leader with misinformation).

4. Identify “content pillars” that you speak about and focus on those.

5. Don’t worry about people getting sick of hearing from you on a certain topic. I hear this concern a lot but to become a true thought leader, you want to always be talking about the same thing—your areas of expertise. That’s how people identify you as a thought leader in your area

Be sure to follow Lauren Perna Communications on LinkedIn to learn more about creating thought leadership content.


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