Three Clicks and You're Home: 8 Entrepreneurial Lessons We Can Learn from Dorothy

As a little girl, I was passionate about two things: The Wizard of Oz and a future career as a teacher. If you’ve poked around my website or social media, you’ll know that I use The Wizard of Oz analogy a lot, so clearly, my love for the brown-haired girl in the ruby slippers with the little dog has not changed. On the other hand, my career ambitions have changed quite a bit over the years. In fact, I’d say it’s been anything but a straight road (a yellow brick one?).

My career today as an entrepreneur and writer might seem quite removed from the field of education, but it still feeds the natural helper in me. I have always had this innate passion for helping, and my work today does that on so many levels. Sharing the stories of companies doing great in this world lights me up like no other job ever has. That’s why today, I finally feel that I am in “Kansas”--at home, where I’m meant to be.

Now, that doesn’t mean I have it all figured out or that my journey to entrepreneurship has been a breeze. I certainly did not click my heels three times to get here. In fact, I’d say quite the opposite (ya girl took way too many wrong turns into the forest). However, Dorothy and I do have something in common--our ability to get “home” was right in front of us all along; we just had to figure it out for ourselves.

My yellow brick road continues to wind through poppy fields and forests. However, I have learned that flying monkeys and evil witches will always be out there, but if you stay true to yourself and stick to your goals, you can find success. I try to practice what I preach by continuing to tweak my own strategy, investing in myself, and constantly leveling up.

Here are 8 lessons that both Dorothy and I have learned in our search for "Kansas."

  1. Follow what is in your heart and do what you do best.

  2. Stay true to yourself.

  3. Face and embrace your weaknesses, illnesses, and/or dark shadows.

  4. Find support from people who love and respect you.

  5. Find your Glinda, or a mentor to lift you up and push you to be the best.

  6. Understand that your “tools” will change, evolve, and even be thrown out of the box over time.

  7. Be okay with asking for help.

  8. Embrace success when it comes your way...because it will.

If it makes you feel better to bring your little dog and to wear your ruby red slippers, then absolutely go for it. You got this!

If you want to chat about all things entrepreneurship, don't hesitate to reach out. If you need help sharing your company's inspiring message, let's chat.


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