What does AI mean for writers?

The biggest question of 2023 for writers has been whether AI will take over our jobs. Every marketing/communications group we're a part of has discussed the topic at length. 

Here's our take: AI will not take over our jobs because there's always a place for the human voice in writing. However, we need to use it to our benefit because the people who harness the power of AI will excel, while the others will get left behind. 

We thought it might be helpful to share a few other AI takeaways as more and more people use good old ChatGPT to aid in their writing process: 

1. It's all about the prompts. You will get the best results by giving AI lots of details and asking the right questions. 

2. You still need to add your touch. Anytime someone writes something from AI, we know. So even if the writing is solid—be sure to add your own little nuances. 

3. The best use of AI writing programs is typically for social media ads. Most ads have very limited space for text, which means there isn't as much room for creativity, and AI excels when creativity is not involved. 

4. One of the best times to use AI is when you’re stuck. Even for us writers, writing can be a slog sometimes, so we use AI to get the ball rolling and then we run with it. 

5. AI stinks at writing personal stories and other more emotional-driven content, so this is where a good content and copywriter can come in. 

6. Using AI can be tricky in certain fields like life sciences and healthcare, where there is a lot of industry lingo or restrictions on what you can say.

Want to make sure your writing always sounds like you? Send us a note to learn more about our services!


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