Overcoming Your Content Woes (free download!)

“I never know what to talk about.”

 This is one of the most common statements we hear from people when it comes to their brand’s social media posts.

 And to that, we say: au contraire! But you do. You absolutely know what to say.

 You say it all day long. Perhaps you just don’t know how to put that into digestible social media posts. (That’s where we come in!)

To help you get started on your content journey, we’re sharing five content starters below. Try completing these Mad Libs style starters in a few sentences. See what you come up with.

🖊️The last customer I spoke with about [enter relevant topic] didn’t understand why we do this: __________.

 🖊️Most customers come to us wanting ___________ but end up with ___________.

 🖊️You may have heard about [insert relevant industry news]. Here’s our take on it:_________.

 🖊️The first thing most people think of when they hear [your industry] is ___________. Here’s why that’s wrong (or right):

 🖊️The biggest compliment I receive in my job is:____________________.

And as a fun gift, we’re including five Canva templates from our marketing partner, Melissa Dorsky Designs.

Be sure to tag us if you use one of these starters or templates.

Ready to outsource the whole content creation process? Send us a message and get on our waitlist.


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LinkedIn Profile Love