Official Grand Opening of Lauren Perna Communications

Welcome to the official grand opening of Lauren Perna Communications! Thanks for coming by. If we weren’t in a global pandemic, I might have had a real grand opening shindig, complete with cheese platters and cocktails because I love any excuse to throw a party. Just ask my friends and family. Since life looks like a little different these days, you’ll have to settle for this virtual grand opening and a raincheck. Cheers!

Whether you landed here by sheer accident, or you know me personally I really appreciate you taking the time to swing by and support this little venture of mine. It’s been a long time coming. I think I knew pretty early on I would eventually work for myself, but the desire for stability kept me “working for the man” for most of my career. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I began to feel the itch to make a change. Since then, the journey has not been an easy one—and I’m sure there will be many bumps in the road, but I am certain that no matter what I will always stay true to myself.

A huge part of staying true to myself has been honoring my love of people. I am a helper to the core, so my goal for this business is to become a valuable resource and partner to my clients. I am here to work side-by-side with my clients, and to tell their story in a way that feels right to them.

I am not here to churn out a year's worth of social media posts in a week or 10 blogs for $10. For some businesses, that marketing model may work. But more than likely, that model will not work for people who have built their businesses on handshakes, began by marketing through mailers, and haven't had to leverage social media for business. For those people, it takes a little more, which is where my high-touch, tailored model comes in.

I spent years training people on digital platforms, so I understand digital marketing and communications don't come naturally to everyone. I have in-depth experience helping people share their life's work with the world, so I understand it's so much more than getting likes or views. I help people that have worked hard to get where they are, and now need help thriving in an ever-changing, digital world.

Now more than ever, businesses will need to find ways to stay relevant and not get left behind. And, I am here for it. But more importantly, I am here for the people that need help doing so.

If any of this resonates, then shoot me a note. I'd love to chat and learn more about how I can help your business thrive in the digital world.


Five Misconceptions About Social Media