Blog: 5 Tips to Get Motivated Again

Sometimes a client just needs a little help putting the final touches on a piece they’ve already written. We are the copyeditor for long-time client, Lisa DeMarco. Below is an example of a piece we copyedited. This piece originally appeared here: 5 Tips to Get Motivated Again - Lisa DeMarco Coaching

5 Tips to Get Motivated Again

We all go through low periods where it seems like no matter what you do, you just can’t gather up the energy you need to get something done.  Maybe you started with a goal that you were excited about, such as starting a new diet, starting a business or creating a new project.  At the time this idea was really exciting and you couldn’t wait to get started!  You bought healthy foods, prepared your website, or planned out your steps for your project. After the initial excitement wears off, sometimes we start to lose the motivation.  

When Things Are Out of Your Control

Sometimes outside events can also zap your energy. For example, the pandemic was an outside event that caused a lot of people to lose their motivation, even me.  I’ve always enjoyed my outdoor runs. They help me feel strong and healthy. I look forward to running with good friends and participating in road races to support local charities. A few months into the pandemic, I realized I was losing my motivation. 

Without having my friends to run with or races to prepare for, I found that I was slowly making excuses to stay home.  It was “too cold” or “too hot” or “too rainy.” I just wasn’t feeling the motivation to get back on the road.  Eventually I realized that I really missed running and wanted to get back out there.  

But how?

5 Ways to Get Your Spark Back

You may think that falling into a “rut” only happens to you, but in reality everyone faces this once in a while.  Once you realize this has happened, you can take control of your energy again.

  • Figure out what is zapping your energy

The first step is finding out WHY you’ve lost excitement for your project.  When I lost my spark for running, I realized it was because I had lost the social aspect and also the accountability that signing up for a road race always gave me. 

  • Plan how to overcome each of these motivation zappers

Once you discover WHY you’ve lost that excitement, you can now come up with ideas to help overcome it.  I decided to reach out to one or two friends to run with and also sign up for some virtual races to keep me accountable.

  • Find an accountability buddy

In every goal you set for yourself, I encourage having an accountability buddy to help you stay on track.  By keeping in touch with a couple of running friends and knowing that my virtual race would be tracked, it helped to keep me accountable to finally get off my butt and get out the door. 

  • Reward yourself for small steps

That initial excitement you felt when you first set your goal may not come back initially. But over time, once you get back in the game, you’ll start to feel it again.  Make sure you appreciate every small step you make towards your goal.

  • Prepare for the future

Planning ahead is always a good strategy.  Now that you know what zapped your energy, you are better prepared for when it may happen again. 

Remember, whether you are starting a new project or you are literally running on the road–it’s a marathon not a sprint.  It’s natural to have ups and downs in your motivation and energy level.  Once you are aware of it, then you have the power to control it. 

If you feel like you’ve lost your motivation in any area of your life, reach out to me at and we can work together to get it back!


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Blog: How to Build, Sustain, and Regain Momentum