Lauren’s Latest News is here to help get your marketing and communications wheels turning.
We truly believe in the importance of sharing our expertise with the world beyond our service offerings, which is why we created this blog, Lauren’s Latest News. The goal is to be a resource and to provide valuable (and free!) content that will help people share their stories. We hope you enjoy these articles as much as we enjoyed writing them.

The Best Resource for Your LinkedIn Business Page: YOU!
Is it possible to ONLY have a business page and not a personal page on Linkedin? The short answer is no, and the longer answer is still no but there’s more to it. Read on to find out why we don’t encourage just having a business presence.

SEO Content Writing Services
SEO content is written content on a website designed to help you rank well on Google search for search terms (keywords) important to your business, whether you are in the life sciences, tech, economic development, or any other space.

10 Reasons to Hire a Content Writing Company Over an Internal Writer
Here are 10 reasons that overwhelmed marketing directors should hire a content writing company instead of using an internal copywriter.

Celebrating Two Years in Business: A Lesson in Self-Worth
Wasn't it just a few months ago that I was writing the first-anniversary post? Time flies when you're having fun… and when you're busy.
Two years ago, at the height of the pandemic and several other world events, I decided to start a business, and I have never looked back.

20 Content Ideas to Help You Ramp Up Your LinkedIn Game
In the third part of a three-part series, we offer 20 different types of content that you can create and share on LinkedIn.

10 More Ways You Can Engage on LinkedIn
In the second of a three-part series, we offer 10 more ways that you can engage on LinkedIn. We help you step up from simply commenting to sharing.

10 Simple Ways to Engage on LinkedIn
One of the biggest questions that we get regarding LinkedIn is: what do I post? In the first of a three-part series we offer 10 simple ways that you can engage on LinkedIn to get the ball rolling.

How to Optimize LinkedIn
LinkedIn can be described as a combination of the coffee date, a networking event, and your resume all wrapped into one digital package. The last few years have proved that business professionals, entrepreneurs, and influencers need LinkedIn more than ever. If you think your industry is not on LinkedIn, think again. While it may be one of the fastest-growing platforms, it's also one of the most underutilized. Here are my suggestions for optimizing LinkedIn.

The Purpose of A Website
I always tell people that a website can serve one of two main purposes--a traffic director or a brochure. For me, it’s the latter. I treat my website like my brochure, or my sales presentation if you will. In other words, people are going to our website because they have been sent there (by me or someone I know). My website is social proof that we are not just a legit business, but we are great writers for a specific type of client. It’s a way for people to get to know more about us and confirm that they want to do business with us, or at the very least meet us if they haven’t already.

November's Health Awareness Days (2021)
Last month, I posted a blog about Health Awareness Days and promised I'd continue the theme of sharing these each month, as a friendly little reminder to my followers. As a reminder, Awareness Holidays are similar to social media holidays but focused on bringing attention to a particular illness or affliction. Without further ado, here are the November Awareness Holidays courtesy of Healthline's article: Health Awareness Days in 2021 (healthline.com)

Three Clicks and You're Home: 8 Entrepreneurial Lessons We Can Learn from Dorothy
As a little girl, I was passionate about two things: The Wizard of Oz and a future career as a teacher. If you’ve poked around my website or social media, you’ll know that I use The Wizard of Oz analogy a lot, so clearly, my love for the brown-haired girl in the ruby slippers with the little dog has not changed. On the other hand, my career ambitions have changed quite a bit over the years. In fact, I’d say it’s been anything but a straight road (a yellow brick one?).

How To Be the Face of Your Business When You Don't Want to the Be Face of Your Business
In this article published on LinkedIn Pulse, we talk about how in today’s world business owners cannot fly under the radar. There has to be a face behind the business. We answer the question, how can you do this when you're not too keen on the spotlight?

Leveling Up with a Brand Refresh
Some of you might have noticed the soft launch of my new logo. So, to those who noticed, thank you! And to those who commented, extra thank you! The new logo is part of a larger initiative to level up—a goal I had from the start of the year. In fact, I wrote it on my whiteboard in early January and haven’t erased it since.
Leveling up can mean so many different things. For me, it meant increasing my revenue and my reach—a solid year two goal. To do this, I also needed to level up the story I was telling and how I was telling it. I needed the branding to better align with the brand.

One Year in Business!
On Friday, I celebrate a big occasion---one year that I have been *officially* in business as Lauren Perna Communications. Technically, I didn’t launch to the public until a few months later but June 25th, 2020, is the day that I signed the LLC paperwork. The day that I finalized my move from freelancer, on-and-off jobseeker to entrepreneur and business owner.
The truth is entrepreneurship wasn’t in my plans for 2020. I always knew I wanted to work for myself, but my vision was a few years down the road. I had this belief that before I could do that, I needed to get a few more years in the corporate world. I felt like I needed more “concrete” experience…whatever that means. I thought I would miss working with co-workers or getting out of my house. I let myself believe all these things, enduring the seesaw of emotions that came with leaving my long-time job, freelancing, job-hunting, interviewing, coffee meetings, networking events, and everything in between.

Names, Signs, and Designs: Is simple and straightforward better?
When I introduce myself, and people say, “What’s your company name?” I tell them and then always add, “I know super unoriginal, but I promise I’m actually very creative.

Should You Repurpose Your Instagram Content on LinkedIn?
In this popular blog post, we answer the question of whether or not you can post your Instagram content on LinkedIn. While these two platforms are quite different, there does tend to overlap for B2C and small business, so it’s a fair question.

Social Media: How it started and how it's going
When a client hires us for a workshop, we’re careful to tailor the presentation to their audience. So, when a PR class at Lasell University asked us to present on social media, we thought it would be fun to turn our existing presentation into a trivia game of “how it started, how it’s going” as it relates to social media.

Social media: How it started and how it's going
A few weeks ago, I was catching up with a client/friend and he asked if I would give a presentation on social media to his students. He's a communications professor at a local college. I happily agreed because I love shaping young minds. The presentation is coming up this week, so I began thinking about what to discuss.
The upcoming appearance brought me back to my college days, which were…20 (!!!) years ago. It’s funny to think that I’m presenting about social media, given that in my college days, the only form of social media I used was AIM (LSugarHigh1014 in the house👋🤦♀️). On the contrary, the majority of the students in this communications class have probably only known life with social media.

10 Prompts to Get the Content Wheels Spinning
In this blog post, Lauren tackles writer’s block. Everyone has experienced it at some point, but this post answers the question: how do you get over writer’s block when you don’t even know what direction to go in?

The Elephant in the Room: Communications During Social Unrest
In this blog post, Lauren discusses the reality that we are in a time of deep civil and social unrest. It's impacting our everyday lives, whether we want to admit it or not. So how can you go on with "business as usual" if the world around us is in turmoil?